Photography, Wallpapers and Skins Collection
Basehead v4.00
We're proud to announce that Basehead site has a new look. After about a few months of writting whole site from the scratch we finally put this photography and art site online.
Under The Spotlight - Xiandi
This edition of Skinning Community Interviews is special it is the second time I have interviewed this amazing artist and skinner.
Under The Spotlight - DigitalChet
The Spotlight has always been about interviewing the best in the community, skinners and other artists who have made an impact in the skinning world. This edition of The Spotlight is on such a person.
...and the Winner is
I want to thank everyone who participated in the contest.There was a total of 17 entries.The contest has ended.
Under The Spotlight - MountainHawk
Check Out Who Is Next!
He has been around in the community, before skins were known as skins and he creates wild and amazing wallpapers.
Apple's fashion line called The Apple Collection
Can you believe that today one of the biggest technology company had their own clothing collection back in the 80's. The collection was called "The Apple Collection". The Apple Collection a clothing line developed by Apple in 1986 included kids clothes, hats, belts, sweatshirts, polos, shorts and T-shirts.
Eyes on the Earth
Travel in time and explore NASA satellite visualization in 3D.
If you would like to see amazing image from space and additional data about the climate of our planet, then you should visit this NASA's new tool. You will need to install and enable Java to use their tools.
SkinBase Is Under Construction

Portions of the site are being recoded at this time. We are aware that some of the features are not working. Please be patient during the transition. Thank you.
Apple Event Rumored For September 9, 2014

Skinning the new MSN Search Desktop
Icon Searcher v2.80 released!
Photography, Wallpapers and Skins... Thats Skinbase
Skinbase is the site dedicated to Photography, Wallpapers and Skins for popular applications for every major operating system like Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, iOS and Android
Our members every day uploads new artworks to our site, so don't hesitate and check Skinbase frequently for updates. We also have forum where you can discuss with other members with anything.On the site toolbar you can click on Categories and start browsing our atwork (photo, desktop themes, pictures) and of course you can download them for free!
We are also active on all major social sites, find us there too