Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section of The following is a list of frequently asked questions that are currently in our database. We will be updating this list on an as needed basis. If you have a question that is not listed here, please contact any of the staff people. They will be more than happy to help you.

  • About
  • Copyright laws
  • Skinning help
  • Skinning tools
  • Using skins
  • Policies and guidelines
  • Profile pages

Questions and Answers


Q. What is
A. Well, can be whatever you want it to be! In short it is a website where you can upload and download skins, photos and wallpapers. It is the friendliest site on the internet, with people ready to share and chat.

Q. Who is in charge of
A. The Skinbase staff is there to help all members.


Q. Can I upload photoskins?
A. No, does not allow the uploading of photoskins. Using photographs found on the internet without the author's consent is copyright infringement. Any image used in a skin must be created by you or written permission from the author must be included in the zip file.


Q. How do I make a skin?
A. Every application is different, though, often, skins consist of a folder with images and small text files which together form the skin.

First try editing an existing skin by making your own images and such.

Some skins like Winamp's can be renamed to *.zip files and extracted. Others store the skin in a custom format and require a certain program to edit them.


Q. I can't find the answer. What do I do now?
A. A private message can be sent to any staff member requesting information or help. You, as Skinbase members, can open a topic on the message board asking for specific help with any skinning problem.

Q. Something in the FAQ is wrong. How can I have it changed?
A. We appreciate feedback, pointing out errors etc. Please contact any staff member by private message. Please do not use the message board for this purpose.


Q. How do I skin Windows? I downloaded this theme, how do I use it? What the heck is WindowBlinds?
A. In order to ìskinî windows, you need to use WindowBlinds, Style XP, Aston or another application. Google is your fiend in finding the homepages of these applications.

Install one of these and then download skins (from Skinbase naturally). Run the program and it will tell you how to change the skin.


Q. What is the message board for? How do I post a topic? Can anybody use it?
A. The message board is a way to relay information to members and guests. Sometimes it will be links to new software or versions of software, members asking for help, links to funny and interesting sites.

To post a new topic, go to the upper right hand side of the main page. Click on message board and there you are. Click on a heading and post away.

The message board can be read by both members and guests. Only members can open a new topic or comment on an existing one.


Q. How do I get my darn picture to show up in my profile?
A. This can be a little tricky. Click on edit profile in the upper right hand corner of the main page. Go to the section entitled PERSONAL PICTURE. Browse for the picture you want to use and upload. Click on UPDATE. Go up to the section marked BRIEF DESCRIPTION and type something in. I don't know why this has to be done, but it does.
Once again, click on UPDATE. Now everybody can see that cute face.


Q. If I become a member of Skinbase are there a bunch of rules I have to follow?
A. is there for the members and the staff tries to keep rules (that dreaded word) to a minimum. Below are the most important rules:

Please be respectful of all members and staff. Some authors are just starting out making skins and wallpapers. Constructive criticism and encouragement can keep an author growing and improving.

Always remember, HAVE FUN!