luci / 2 years ago (21 March 2022 10:57)
Wow, is this site still working in 2022? Anybody here?
Post replies:
2 years ago (23.11.2022 07:04)
Reply by: Beeswax
yes... unfortunately a lot of skins have no preview image anymore. I rarely logon here, but it is impressive that this site is still online, while all the others from the same era are offline, even the ones which had a bigger userbase or were more \"polished\", like Deskmods, Customize.org, Skinz, ArtUproar, VelocityArt. All have fallen... (except maybe Deviant, but it is for years totally decadent for the deskmod community, behind a modern look). Also... WinCustomize is still online, but it is Stardock property, and some categories were removed.\r\n\r\nToday Deviant is a mess to search content, with no more categories, a lot o privacy problems, indecision over design direction, and was sold to Wix. The only stuff which puts Deviant afloat is the \"contemporary web design and massive content\", but it is horrible to browse and find stuff.\r\n\r\nI miss Customize.org the most, even the old design (pre 2005) i miss.\r\n\r\nAbout the preview images: I don\'t know if it was some server crash, with data loss, like the one deviantart suffered TWENTY YEARS ago and deleted a lot of skins/themes that are unavailable since then... but i think the skins available here are still online, it is a shame that although Skinbase has a lot of categories for legacy apps, most of them are empty...\r\n\r\nAnd Skinbase has the same webdesign for more than 10 years I guess (not better than the original imho).
1 year ago (15.07.2023 03:57)
Reply by: sed
Admin has a whole new design in place but things have changed a lot - you are correct
Reply by: Beeswax
Grunge Is Not Dead... Grunge Is Gnutella!