How to upload your personal photo in your profile
Members have had trouble uploading their personal photo in their profile including myself. I hope this works for you.
1. Read Site Info, FAQ, Personal Profile in lower right hand column, then follow this procedure:
2. Go to Edit Profile, Additional Information's, in User Picture, browse your computer for photo you want to upload. It should be a jpg. file and small. Mine was 250x270 and was re sized later by the upload process. Hit update. You did not see your picture, right? That's Okay.
3. Now click on Base information's and type something in " brief descriptions " If you already have something typed, just add a word or two and hit update.
4. Now go to front page and hit refresh page button on your browser or F5.
5. Now repeat step 2. Go back to Edit Profile, Additional Information's, in User Picture, browse your computer and upload the same picture and hit update.
Your picture should now appear. This is how I was able to upload my picture in my profile tonight, in these steps in this exact order.
I hope this works for you.
Post replies:
Reply by: killua
Reply by: etype2
Reply by: etype2
Reply by: sed
Reply by: adni18
For unknown yet reasons, some members have difficulties to upload their avatar or picture, other members have no problem at all, like me for example...
Maybe it is the browser they are using... I use Firefox...
Reply by: etype2
The process works fine if followed as you describe above
Thanks for the help
Reply by: adni18
SkinBase Administrator
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