Upload Problems

Paul_ / 1 decade ago (04 August 2008 10:01)

I am a Newbie. I have uploaded 2 skins in the section 8start launcher skins. But I can't find a way to download it.
What went wrong???????
Please Help.


Post replies:

1 decade ago (04.08.2008 04:29)
Reply by: mickeblue
There is nothing in your gallery although your Wood theme is showing up in the artwork editor area ( that´s the only one though ). Since there isn´t anyone with the necessary admin rights around at the moment to sort the problem out I suggest you use your uploads manager to delete the entries, and then resubmit.... it´s just some sort of glich.
1 decade ago (04.08.2008 08:50)
Reply by: Paul_
Hello mickeblue,
thank you for your proposal. I tried it but with the same result.
I think I will delete the entry and try to publish it at another place.
1 decade ago (04.08.2008 11:28)
Reply by: mickeblue
Well that would be a shame Paul... we would like to see your work published here ( and apologise for any hiccups in doing so ), please persevere.

Occasionally problems do occur.... both uploading and downloading, but don´t take it personally folks.

Issues can occur whilst up and downloading ... sometimes these problems are ISP related... and can be resolved if your pc has the correct settings... or can be resolved if you try again later.

Most of you know how pc´s work, and have the grace to work, not only with us, but with you your own machines technology ... I tried to look into the problem that this guy was having, but it just boiled down to a "half upload" issue that could have been resolved if he had followed the simple advice to "retry".... sadly it wasn´t enough for him.

I wish him every success elsewhwere. clap clap