By SephirotessSimplicité(V1) by Sephirotess:
- 8 languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, German, Russian & Serbian,
- text color, font face, font size... can be modified,
- easy configuration. Use the config panel to change settings.
Wallpaper Mountain. Original author Unknown. [LINK]
Section Divers:
- Bookmarks: 12 links. Click on the title to change links and names,
- Calendar: days, months & weekdays,
- Dock1: applications dock (8 links) + Windows dock (notepad, calculator, Explorer...) + controls (hibernate, restart, shutdown...),
- Time & Uptime,
- Weather: information (from Weather.com) for 5 days. Icons by HipHopium :-).
Section HDD:
- Letters (HDD C to Z ): shows the letter and the name of the HDD & indicates the free space. Mouse over for more information,
- Recycle Bin: shows the number of present files.
Section Sound:
- Player: shows the name of the artist, the title of the song & title of the album. It indicates the position of the title and the total length. Buttons: play/pause, stop, previous, next, volume up and volume down. Left click on the bar to change song position,
- Volume: left click on the percentage.
Section System:
- Battery: shows battery level,
- CPU: CPU usage,
- Power: power settings (balanced, hig performance & power saver),
- Process: top process CPU,
- Processes: number of open processes,
- RAM: shows free RAM. Mouse over for more information,
- SWAP: shows free SWAP. Mouse over for more information.
Comment by: Alfa30

Comment by: Sephirotess

Comment by: teddybearcholla
"Inspiration is a jealous mistress; I take her whenever she wants me." -Ernesto Montalve