By SephirotessBJ(V1) by Sephirotess:
BJ(V1): just "BJ" (no name).
Options :
- 2 languages: English and French,
- text color can be modified,
- 13 appearances,
- 1 wallpaper,
- easy configuration.
Use the "wallpaper panel" (config) in order to install the wallpaper. Use the wheel of the mouse (scroll down) in order to change the appearance (13) of the skins. Use the wheel of the mouse (scroll up) to chage the appearance (7) of the bar.
Section "Divers":
- Calendar: simple LineCalendar with day oy year. Differents colors for saturday & sunday. Double indicators for current day (color & square). Use the arrow in order to see preview or next months,
- Notes: a simple tool for taking some notes. Left click in order to open note. The skin manage 3 notes and a to do list,
- Time: shows full date, current time and uptime.
Section "HDD":
- Letters (HDD C to Z ): give some information about the hard disk. The skin shows the letter of the HDD, as well as the name. It shows used space (Go and bar),
- Recycle Bin: the skin shows the number of present files and their size. It also shows the rate of replenishment of the trash. It is displayed via bar. When the number of files reached the limit fixed (250), a sound is played.
Section "Sound":
- Player: it indicates the name of the artist, the title of the song, title of the album, the year and the cover album. It shows the position of the title and the total length. The player has different buttons: play/pause, stop, preview and next. Use the cover album to modify the position of the track (left click jump to 10 % forward, right click jump to 10% backward). Use the double left click on the cover album in order to open the player (do not works with all players),
- Volume: this skin controls the volume under Windows. It shows volume level. You can manage volume via the "volume" text. You can cut the sound (mute) with the "mute" text,
- Spectrum: spectrum with 20 bands, monitors and analyzes streams of audio sound.
Section "System" (with bar):
- Battery: shows battery level,
- Control: 4 shortcuts (hibernate, restart, shutdown and logoff),
- CPU: shows CPU activity,
- GPU: GPU used, with MSIAfterBurner (plugin by Nick Connors),
- Ram: Ram used,
- Swap: Swap used,
- TopProcess: shows the top process (with AdvancedCPU).
- Windows (shortcuts): calculator, config panel, Explorer, Notepad, Regedit, Ribbons, TaskManager...