By SephirotessBrick(V1) by Sephirotess:
Brick(V1): simple and minimalist suite :-).
Options :
- 2 languages: English and French,
- text color can be modified,
- 20 appearances,
- 1 wallpaper,
- easy configuration.
Details of the suite: use the "themes panels" (config folder) in order to change the appearance (20) of the skins.
Section "Divers":
- Bookmarks: with 8 independent shortcuts. You can change the name (tooltips) and the link via the config panel of the suite (bookmarks),
- Notes: a simple tool for taking some notes. Left click in order to open note. You can open 3 notes,
- Shortcuts (launcher): shortcuts for 8 softwares. Change names and applis via "ShorcutCreator" in the config panel,
- Time: current time, date (month, day, year) & uptime,
- Volume: volume level. Left click increases sound. Right click lowers sound,
- Weather: simple weather. Shows current temperature,
Section "HDD":
- HDD (up to 3 drives): shows the letter of the HDD, as well as the name. It indicates the free space via percentage and bar,
- Recycle Bin: shows number of files in the recycle bin and their size. It indicates too by a bar (for 250 files in the recycle bin). Left click open Recycle Bin, right click empty it.
Section "Net":
- Download: speed of the download in B/s,
- DownloadC: cumulative speed of the download (left click reset statistics),
- Upload: speed of the upload in B/s,
- UploadC: cumulative speed of the upload (left click reset statistics),
- Wifi: Wifi quality (percentage).
Section "System":
- Battery: level of the battery in percentage and bar,
- Control: 2X2 shortcuts (hibernate, restart, shutdown and logoff),
- CPU: usage of CPU in percentage and bar,
- CPUSpeed: shows CPU speed (Mhz),
- CPUTemp: CPU temperature with bar (needs Coretemp),
- GPU: usage of GPU in percentage and bar (with MSIAfterBurner, plugin by Nick Connors),
- GPUMem: usage of GPU's memory in percentage and bar. In order to use this skin, you need to set your maximum GPU memory, in the config panel of the suite,
- GPUFan: GPU fan speed with bar,
- GPUSpeed: shows GPU speed in "Mhz" and bar. In order to use this skin, you need to set your maximum GPU memory, in the config panel of the suite,
- GPUTemp: GPU temperature with bar,
- Processes: number of current processes, with a bar (basis of 100 processes),
- Process: top process (Advanced CPU) with a bar,
- Ram: usage of the Ram in Go and bar,
- Swap: usage of the Swap in Go and bar,
Section "Windows" (shortcuts for some Windows's tools or folders):
Calculator, config panel, documents, Explorer, Notepad, Ribbons (screensaver), System properties & TaskManager.
Comment by: sed
Skinbase Wizop / BaseheadArt adminstrator / Always a FRIEND