

By Sephirotess

3DSpace(VR1.2) by Sephirotess:

3DSpace (VR1.2): suite based on a spacial war, between 2 big nations (A.O.F.P. and T.B.O.T.S.). The creation of this suite and all the  vehicles was a few difficult, but also very funny. I specify that all is from my imagination. 2 news skins version, new ships, some update...

Options :

- 2 languages: English and French,
- text color can be modified (2 colors),
- 12 appearances (for most of the skins),
- 4 skins version,
- 4 wallpapers,
- easy configuration.

Details of the suite:

Section "Divers":

- Clock: simple clock (with background rotator),

- Date: Short date representation (ex: 01/07/2015),

- Day: day of the month,

- Month: number of the current month,

- Year: current year,

- Day of year: number of the day of year,

- Week number: number of the week,

- Dock: with 8 shortcuts (change names and applis via "ShorcutCreator, in the config panel),

- LineCalendar: simple calendar with week number, number of day of year and full date. You can view the next or previous months. 2 versions: vertical and horizontal,

- Time: hours, minutes & seconds,

- Uptime: with seconds,

- Notes: simple note (left click open note),

- To do: to do list (left click open note),

- User: shows user's name,

- Rainmanager: load Rainmeter,

- Rainfolder: open Rainmeter folder,

- RefreshAll: refresh Rainmeter (all skins),

- Toggler: hide/show all skins,

- Weather: simple weather. Show current temperature,

- Shortcuts: 8 shortcuts. If you don't want to use the dock, you can use the separate shortcuts. Change names and applis in the config panel.

- Slideshow: it has some fonctions. When the mouse is placed on the picture, the slideshow indicates the path & the name of the file. The small left button (top one) opens the folder of the pictures. The other left button permits to stop and to restart the slideshow. The button to the right (top one) has for function to offer a preview. The last one set current picture as wallpaper. There is a second version, with themes (12).

Section "HDD":

- HDD1: free space of disk 1 (percentage). The letter can be modified in the small configuration panel of the suite. Left click open drive,

- HDD2: same options for a second disk,

- HDD3: same options for a third disk ^_^,

- HDD1R: HDD1 read access,

- HDD2R: HDD2 read access,

- HDD3R: HDD3 read access,

- HDD1W: HDD1 write access,

- HDD2W: HDD2 write access,

- HDD3W: HDD3 write access,

- Recycle Bin: number of files in the recycle bin. Move the mouse over the number, in order to view the size of the files. Left click open Recycle Bin, right click empty it.

- RecycleBinBar: a kind of bar which shows the rate of replenishment of the trash. It is displayed via percentage & bar. When the number of files reached the limit fixed (250), a sound is played and the display of the rate becomes slightly bigger. Move the mouse over the rate of replenishment, in order to see the number of present files and their size.

Section "Net":

- Download: speed of the download in B/s,

- DownloadC: cumulative speed of the download (left click reset statistics),

- Upload: speed of the upload in B/s,

- UploadC: cumulative speed of the upload (left click reset statistics),

- Wifi: Wifi quality,

Section "Sound":

- Spectrum (AudioLevel): spectrum with 10 bands, monitors and analyzes streams of audio sound,

- Device: shows current audio device. Left click in order to change the device,

- Mute: mute option,

- Player (2): the players have some functions and buttons: play/pause, stop, preview, next, "volume up" and "volume down". It indicates the name of the artist, the title of the song and of the album and the year. It indicates the positon of the title and the total length. The progression bar has 2 functions: to modify the position of the track (left click jump to 10 % forward, right click jump to 10% backward) and to open the player (double left click). 12 appearances for player 1 and 10 for player2. 7 appearances for progress bar,

- Volume: volume of the sound. Left click increases sound. Right click lowers sound,

Section "System":

- Battery: power (charge) of the battery,

- BatteryBar: shows battery level. Appearance automatically  changes level fall to 20%,

- Control: skin with 4 controls: hibernate, restart Windows, shutDown PC and close session,

- CPU: usage of CPU in percentage,

- CPUBar: usage of CPU with a bar. Appearance automatically  changes at 60% of use,

- CPUSpeed: shows cpu speed (Mhz),

- CPUTemp: CPU temperature (with Coretemp),

- GPU: usage of GPU in percentage (with MSIAfterBurner, plugin by Nick Connors),

- GPUBar: usage of GPU with a bar. Appearance automatically  changes at 60% of use,

- GPUTemp: GPU temperature,

- GPUMem: usage of GPU's memory in percentage,

- GPUFan: GPU fan speed,

- Processes: number of current process,

- TopProcesses: top processes with Advanced CPU,

- Ram: usage of the Ram in percentage,

- RamBar: usage of the Ram via a bar. Appearance automatically  changes at 70% of use,

- Swap: usage of the Swap in percentage,

- SwapBar: usage of the Swap with a bar. Appearance automatically  changes at 70% of use,

- Windows: Windows version (name of the OS, 32 or 64 bits, built and version). Move the mouse over Windows version, in order to have more information.

Section "Windows" (shorcuts for some Windows's tools or folders):

Calculator, CMD, config panel, documents, Explorer, GodMode, Notepad, Pictures, Regedit, Ribbons (screensaver), System propreties, TaskManager, User folder, lock workstation, Window Switcher.

Section "Bonus": just decorative pictures, without measures. The choice between big sizes and small sizes, as well as the direction (right or left).


- Moon: artificial Moon (rotator),

- Planet1: little metal planet (rotator),

- Planet1: little planet with light (rotator),

- ShadeEarth: planet absorbed (devored) by Shade,


- Base: pink satellite,

- Portail: round interdimensionnal portail,

- Proton: big round proton canon (rotator),

- DarkMoon: Shade's defense satellite,

- LightEntity: Alliance's defense satellite,

- Sbase: satellite base of The Brothers of the Shade,


A.O.F.P. (Alliance of free peoples):

- Cruser: transporter and heavy armored ship,

- Ego: little and fast fighter, transported by the Cruser,

- LightFighter: little and strong armored fighter,

- Meduse: fast transporter for troops or colons,

- T-Fighter: little and fast fighter,

- Torpile: fast armored ship, with powerfull weapons,

- BlueHope: powerfull battleship with heavy defense,

- Patrol: fast and armored little fighter,

- Tren: small and fast vessel for the transportation of troops (3 or 4 people),

T.B.O.T.S. (The brothers of the Shade):

- BlackSkull: slow and big ships transporter,

- Bug: little and fast ship,

- Cyclop: battleship with strong central proton canon,

- DeathFighter: little and strong armored fighter,

- DeathSkull: little and fast fighter, transported by the BlackSkull, 

- Scavenger: slow heavy armored ship, with powerfull weapons,

- Beetle: fast and armored little fighter,

- Razor: fast and powerfull battleship,

- Phalanx: fast armored ship, with powerfull weapons,

- Manta: fast and armored little fighter,

- Phantom: small and fast vessel for the transportation of troops (3 or 4 people),

Use the little config panel, in order to change colors, letters of the drives, weather code, slideshow folder and player. Select your wallpaper (4) via the wallpaper panel. You can change appearances (12) of skins with the middle click of the mouse. You can install this suite as a new one or as an update for a previous version.


Gold star
Silver star
Bronze star


Uptime8 years




Pin Artwork