By SephirotessMemorySuite by Sephirotess:
MemorySuite: 4 kinds of skin for the memory (Ram & Swap).
Options :
- 2 languages: English and French,
- text color can be modified (4 colors),
- 10 appearances,
- easy configuration.
Detail of the suite:
Memory (Ram & Swap):
V1 (large panel):
- total Ram,
- used Ram (Go and percentage),
- free Ram (Go and percentage),
- total Swap,
- used Swap (Go and percentage),
- free Swap (Go and percentage).
You can change the appearance (10) with the central button of the mouse.
V2 (roundlines):
- total Ram,
- used Ram (Go and roundline),
- free Ram (Go and roundline),
- total Swap,
- used Swap (Go and roundline),
- free Swap (Go and roundline).
You can hide the lower informations while clicking (left click) on "Ram" or "Swap". No themes or appearances, but you can change all colors.
Ram (Ram only):
V1 (bars):
- total Ram,
- used Ram (Go),
- free Ram (percentage),
- 2 bars, one indicates the used Ram and the other the free Ram.
You can hide all the informations while clicking on one bar with the left button of the mouse. Use the wheel of the mouse ("scroll up" and "scroll down") to change the appearance (14) of the bars.
V2 (little double panel):
- total Ram,
- used Ram (Go and percentage),
- free Ram (Go and percentage),
You can hide the lower panel while clicking (left click) on the panel of the top. You can change the appearance (10) with the central button of the mouse.
Swap (Swap only): same skins than Ram.
Comment by: sed
Skinbase Wizop / BaseheadArt adminstrator / Always a FRIEND