Adobe CS4 Replacement Icons

Adobe CS4 Replacement Icons

By vladstudio
Download here (Windows, Mac):


What are these icons?

This is the replacement of { [LINK] } Adobe Creative Suite 4 default icons. Some time ago, when Adobe released CS3 (and then CS4), many designers around the world were not happy with the new style of application icons and came up with their own ideas ({ [LINK] } example, { [LINK] } example, { [LINK] } example, { [LINK] } example). I know I am a couple of years late :-) but you might like my icons as well.

Why did I design them?

I was mostly inspired by { [LINK] } this article by Mike Hopkins, and I agree that:

- the icons of creative applications should inspire, and default icons do not;
- the use of name abbreviations is arguable - ideally, icons should reflect what the app does, not how it is called;

There were, however, some ideas in default icons that I liked:

- colors (if you use my icons you will notice you can easily recognize them, because they use the same colors);
- consistent shape (boring square, but you can quickly idenfity any icon form Adobe CS4 family by its shape).
I also felt that Mike Hopkins icons were too much work of art, too complex. I tried to keep them simple but at the same time I put as much meaning as I could into each icon, using apps interfaces as inspiration. Most icons have rulers on top and left, Photoshop icon means pixels, Illustrator means vector, Lightroom means histogram etc.

Are my icons better?

I dont think so! For me this was just a quick spare-time project, and Adobe surely spend more time and efforts. But my approach is different and so far, I like it more. If time permits I will polish the icons. Meanwhile, your feedback is welcome!

Help! How to change icons?

- { [LINK] } How to change icons in Windows
- { [LINK] } How to change icons in Mac OS X Leopard


1 decade ago
Comment by: jazzilady
Very nice work! clap Booming love
1 decade ago
Comment by: adni18
Very beautiful icons Vlad! Congratulation A w a r d clap
1 decade ago
Comment by: Sommerwind
Excellent work! Booming love
1 decade ago
Comment by: vladys
cooll Happy

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