Louvered HVD

Louvered HVD

By ghman
This is a port of my geOShell skin of the same name to HoverDesk. The background is a tile I picked up on the internet called Wrestling Dog but is not included with the file as I could never get permission and the website is no more. The inset shows the App shortcuts which pop out when you click on the "Apps" tile. The two louvers on the right of the CPU/MEM meter make up the recycle bin. A matching BarChanger texture to skin the windows as well as a 3dCC and DisplaySet file are included. Here is a the website where you can find BarChanger [LINK] which skins the titlebar of windows. This link will lead you to a Japanese site but you should be able to figure out how to download and install BarChanger. Once done, you can find an English patch at [LINK] Hope you enjoy!....After uploading, I realized the MENU was not shown! My bad! Updated to modify the screenshot.


1 decade ago
Comment by: jazzilady
I don´t think I´ve ever heard of hoverdesk, but I really like what I see here! Fun clap
1 decade ago
Comment by: ghman
Thank you for the compliment, jazzilady. I have been using HoverDesk for years and would enthusiastically recommend it to anybody! lol
1 decade ago
Comment by: sed
I saw this on our ADMIN page and had to go searching for it! ... Superbe! :o
1 decade ago
Comment by: ghman
Coming from you, that means a lot, sed. THANKS! Happy

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