BlueBar for Ghrone
By +0Great clock app with a twist on skinning. You don't skin the clock...you skin the numbers.

2 decades ago
Comment by: +0
Actually, I did skin the background...so, I guess I stand corrected.
As for sophisticated....I´m in a mode where I´m bevelling everything right now and that´s what led to this. Most of the credit should go to whoever made the font.
Oh, thanks for leading me to this app...I like it alot.

As for sophisticated....I´m in a mode where I´m bevelling everything right now and that´s what led to this. Most of the credit should go to whoever made the font.

Oh, thanks for leading me to this app...I like it alot.

2 decades ago
Comment by: +0
I´ve got 2 more in work right now.
They would already be up but the real world has been encrouching on my time.

They would already be up but the real world has been encrouching on my time.

Comment by: star_drops