The Spotlight
The Spotlight
Most of us know Darren Shipp (aka D Man and ShippD), longtime artist and skinner. A member here at Skinbase, and also Basehead, DeviantArt, Skinnalicious, and Gnome-Look, and was an admin at (now defunct) SkinArtistry 2. D Man lives in Texas where he works from home taking care of the several businesses he is partnered in, has been dabbling with art a long he can remember, “in some form or another”. Go on read the interview of one the most interesting people I have come to know.
SkinBase: When did you first realize your interest in artwork?
D Man: “Been doing some form of art most all of my life.”
SkinBase Footnote: At the age of 10, he drew designs for a 1940 Ford that later became a reality and his first car!
SkinBase: Who are your favorite skinners?
D Man: “Sed, Richard (relhom), Renee (jazzilady), Nikos (Adni18) and many more in the art world.”
SkinBase: Has anyone of them, inspired you to make a skin? If so, elaborate a bit.
D Man: “A few, I have done a few colabs here and there did one with a WindowBlinds builder on DeviantArt.”
SkinBase Footnote: The Windowblinds skin was collaboration with Tom Richter.
SkinBase: Of the skins you made, which is your favorite?
D Man: “I have many favs. Ultimo Orange, Portal Cubes and Out For A Walk.”
SkinBase: Do you have anything you are working on now?
D Man: “Yes a bike in 3d and will be done as a production bike in the real world. A couple of 3d rooms and couple of 3d abstracts.”
Skinbase: What skins are you using right now on your desktop?
D Man: “Portal Cube unreleased version, a rainmeter skin, a rocket dock, and placebo theme.”
SkinBase Footnote: Besides being a licensed A/C and heating and electrical engineer, D Man was on the Discovery channel’s Biker Build Off. D Man does it all building ice machines to race car engines to judging bike and car shows.
Stay tuned to see who is next to put under the Spotlight!
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