By SephirotessPoste(V1.1) by Sephirotess:
Poste(V1.1): kind of USB sticks.
- 2 languages: English and French,
- text color can be modified,
- 12 appearances,
- easy configuration.
Detail of this little suite: use the middle mouse click in order to change appearance. Right click opens a new menu, which gives access to 8 controls: "hibernate", "restart", "shutdown", "logoff", "close the skin", "refresh the skin", "Rainmeter Manager" and "Rainmeter user folder". The appearance of the little background (under the text) automatically changes (random).
Section "Divers":
- Time: date representation (ex: 09-09-215) and time.
Section "HDD":
- HDD (up to 3 drives): shows the letter of the HDD, as well as the name. It indicates the free space (Go),
- Recycle Bin: the skin shows the number of present files and their size.
Section "Net":
- Download: shows current download speed and cumulative download,
- Upload: shows current upload speed and cumulative upload,
Section "System":
- Battery: shows battery level (charge) and status (high, charge, low...),
- CPU: shows CPU activity and current temperature (works with Coretemp),
- Process: name and percentage of the top process (AdvancedCPU),
- Ram: free Ram (Go & percentage),
- Swap: free Swap (Go & percentage).