MSStyles creation questions

RealityRipple / 1 decade ago (13 July 2008 01:11)

I'm making a port of my In The Dark theme series for Windows XP using StyleBuilder and ResHacker as necessity deems. It's nearly done, but I'm running into some real annoying issues:
1) How does one set the default text color and background color for Tool Tip Text?
2) How does one set the default text color of 3D Objects?
3) Ditto for Message Box/Window text?
4) Why does there seem to be no way to set the text color in Properties Windows within themes, yet it's easily changed when using Windows Classic style?

Thank you!

Post replies:

1 decade ago (24.07.2008 10:07)
Reply by: RealityRipple
Ah, so they´re hidden SysMetrics values... As for the other values, I´m referring to them as they´re named in the list you see in the Advanced page of the Appearance tab of the Display properties. Is there a list of all the possible SysMetrics values?
1 decade ago (18.07.2008 03:17)
Reply by: nova28
You need to edit the .XML file for your msstyle. You can edit the .XML file in any text editor, such as notepad.
You need to add new properties under the Class SysMetrics. Follow the format for the other properties in this class. The property name of the tooltip text color is InfoText, the property name for the tooltip background color is InfoBk. The property name for the menu text color (for the active window menu) is MenuText. These property names should be in quotes with no spaces in the name. Theoretically these properties should be added in the alphabetical order of the other properties in the class Sysmetrics (but I don´t know if this is absolutely necessary).
The inactive window menu text color is the same as the BtnShadow color.
I understand your frustration, it took me a long time to figure out these same questions.
I´m not sure what you mean by the ´default text color of 3d objects´. Do you have any specific examples ?
For such things as the command (option) buttons, the text color can be set separately for the mouse-off, mouse-over, and pressed states. Also software/applications can set the text color for such objects.
If you have mulitple sub-styles, you need to edit the .XML file for each substyle.

I hope that this answers at least some of your questions, and gets you in the right direction for other answsers.